People have an unlimited potential to generate the changes they propose with will and freedom of decision, this ability of human beings to adapt permanently to the reality they live in, is one of the challenges to overcome on the road to the evolution of the BEING; this confrontation between the challenge and the capabilities, are presented at every moment and sometimes we do not perceive the causality of correcting our way to the plans and life projects previously established; in other words, being clear about where we want to go, generating the necessary changes along the way.
I use the title of this article in my talks and conferences, establishing a relationship between the protagonist of the movie “Rambo”, and the attitude or behavior of many people. In the movie “Rambo”, the main character spent a large part of his role furious and alone, killing everything that got in his way to accomplish his mission; I sometimes perceive this behavior in people who – without being Rambo – show a similar behavior, both in their personal and professional life.
There are people who cannot be addressed, they spend their time “annoyed and alone”, they do not answer to the first greeting of the day and even less to the last, their behavior reflects a discontent with everything around them; sometimes, one can get to the task of trying to observe if they have teeth or not, considering that they do not reflect a smile or express any word.
People with a “Rambo” type personality, they do not live their present and the now, they do not enjoy what they do; envy, selfishness, and their own interests are the reference in their actions. Sometimes, the expressions on their face show that telltale personality, which of course scare away anyone who approaches them; at this moment I remember that expression that says: We are not responsible for the face we have, but we are responsible for the face we put every day. (anonymous)
People immersed in this “Rambo” behavior, do not build their future based on actions and intentions of will, effort, sacrifice, trust and a clear commitment to principles and values; they only survive day after day wrapped by their incompetence and reluctance in what they do, even breathing bothers them.
It is essential to make a stop in our actions to reflect, understand and accept with humility our strengths and weaknesses, our successes and mistakes, only then we will be able to discover who we are, to understand other people. To understand with awareness what we live, to expose our capabilities to overcome the challenges that we face today, are reflected in our attitude and expression before life, a smile, a look, a gesture or a word, constitute that approach to an authentic BEING.
The great novelist Victor Hugo (1802-1885), said:
“The future has many names: for the weak, the unattainable; for the fearful, the unknown; and for the brave, it is an opportunity”.
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